Monday, May 30, 2011


We indeed shared an amazing chemistry....
I have finally QUIT SMOKING!

Yes you read it right and it was difficult i admit but definitely not impossible,  this is my second month of smokeless breadth and finally my room, clothes or my mouth doesnt smell like an ashtray. And i dont run out every half an hour for a smoke break, so i belong to the world of non-smokers now :-D

I realized i should pen this down in this page of mine, so that when i look back at this post years later i remember this day fondly and chuckle.....


p.s I still do miss this cylindrical best friend who has always been with me in times of stress, happiness, anger, and has been my partner for 4 years.. 

First post of 2011

We are almost heading towards the middle of the year now, and this is my first post, clearly i wasnt really paying much attention to this little piece of diary that i have. Mostly because blogs have now become more like a status symbol than anything else. Most of the people are busy advertising their knowledge of words and so called intellect in this platform which was to my knowledge set up as a form of expression. And expressions are always beautiful if they are pure and true and straight from the heart, they dont need to be ornamented by using (shift + f7) option in your keyboard. They don't need to make a point always or make you sound intelligent. 

Anyway this was my observation and expression about the concept of blogging or rather writing and how people are using it. 
